What does it mean to become an unPERFECTED Mama?
Learn what it means to be unperfected
Today's working mom is secretly suffering to a staggering degree in an attempt to be the perfect (fill in the blank); mom, partner, boss, daughter, sister, neighbor, school volunteer, host, chef, yogi, community leader--you get the point. She is managing the mental load of her home, family, pets, social circles and professional peeps, while trying to keep the house in order, everyone fed, and all hearts tended to without completely losing her shit. She’s beyond stressed wondering if she’s having enough sex with her partner, making healthy-enough meals, providing sensory friendly-enough activities and maintaining a toxin-free- enough home. She’s haphazardly juggling working from home with the kids’ on again off again remote learning and her partner being in her space 24/7, all while trying to close her Apple watch’s exercise ring. Oh, and don’t forget she’s also obligated to uphold gramma’s values in today’s doings and needs to get her mustache waxed ASAP.
If it sounds downright impossible, it’s because it is. And it’s killing her--and me.
The messages we have been absorbing throughout history have become our internal conditioned beliefs and have defined and deeply influenced how we think, feel and behave. On top of all that, today’s media messaging and the influx of information being shoved down our throats is designed to reinforce the belief that we are not enough and how much more we should be doing. This false image leads us to believe there is something wrong with us, when in all reality, the truth is that there is something wrong with the SYSTEM. And because our brains have evolved to keep us safe, sense danger, and compare ourselves to others, we are keenly aware of the never-ending rise in expectations and are desperately trying to meet them. At the cost of our health, authenticity, wellbeing, dreams, goals, desires, and ultimate truths.
Therefore, it should come as no alarming surprise that there is a direct parallel between the increase in responsibilities, workload, pressure and societal expectations on mom along with a frightening increase in her mental health conditions. Across the board we are seeing rapid jumps in things like substance use disorder (SUD), with most recent studies indicating women’s drinking is at an all time high, staggering increases in overall mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and suicide rates.
Why? Because trying to be all the things to all the people while upholding old-school values and traditions is literally making us sick. Deteriorating our mental, emotional and physical health.
Enter, becoming unPERFECTED where I invite and strongly encourage you, mama, to embrace who you were before the world told you who you’re supposed to be, to harness the messiness and lean into your next-level cray.
To find the beauty in reality, to normalize normal and to stop doing shit that doesn’t light you up!
Becoming unPERFECTED is about learning to consciously grieve who you were, the life you had and the ideal of how things would be while learning that you have many parts that are perhaps lost or hidden that need an invitation back to your table of life.
Being unPERFECTED includes learning how to set boundaries such as learning to lower the bar, that NO is a full f’n sentence and how to protect your energy. Learning the importance of how to connect to your intuition, how to navigate change in a healthy way, how to find a mama community you can be real with. This is an opportunity to excavate your gems and integrate them into your being while also clarifying your core values which will become an internal GPS system.
So, mama, are you ready to shed the shoulds, eff the filters and stop perfecting your life so you can actually start LIVING it?
Then join the waitlist now for my signature group coaching program The unPERFECTED Mama.
Learn more about the program here.
In short order, Perfection is OUT folks. unPERFECTED is IN.
Take care of yourselves and therefore each other,
XO brooke jean
Put Your Well-being First: Don’t Get Sucked Back Into the Soul- Sucking Self- Sacrificing Vortex
With life re-energizing and things opening back up, I am witnessing people, especially people-pleasing perfectionistic type working women and mamas (aka ME!), being lured back into the old way of things pre-COVID-19.
hey loves! happy summer. happy june!
Happy less freaking masks. With life re-energizing and things opening back up, I am witnessing people, especially people-pleasing perfectionistic type working women and mamas (aka ME!), being lured back into the old way of things pre-COVID-19. The glamorization of busyness, grit, discipline, and self-sacrifice is completely and undoubtedly suffocating and quite frankly, needs to die.
I felt that the Pandemic helped us collectively realize what the hell actually matters most. In the last year, we started prioritizing health, wellbeing and our families over everything else. We began taking breaks at work, taking walks over lunch, and clocking out early for that at-home yoga class. We learned to be flexible and that shit can get done in an untraditional way, such as when it works best for us.
We acknowledged the mental and emotional wellbeing of ourselves and those we care about. We took bold action and made big moves such as literally physically moving where our soul has been longing to go, left marriages that weren’t working anymore, left jobs and started new businesses that were more in alignment with who we really are and our higher callings.
And yet, here we are, so soon being pulled back into the old paradigm, the outdated way of being. I can feel the pull myself and am also witnessing my bad ass working mama clients fill every minute back up on their calendars with shit that no longer fires them up. Those gaps in their schedules are now being intercepted with appointments, meetings, and to-dos based on other people’s expectations, kicking out the walk, the meditation, the nap, the emotional check in, the connection with loved ones.
We are all of a sudden feeling guilty for doing our self-care and working less than 8-10 hours when in all honesty, our 6 hour work day is more productive than some other’s 10 hour work day. We are feeling like we owe someone something.
We did our part, taking one for the team during the Pandemic. Sacrificing our work and our sanity to remote teach our kids and adjust to all the changes thrown at us. We’ve BEEN taking one for the team since the beginning of time. We deserve spaciousness, grace, and appreciation for all we’ve done. We deserve flexibility at work so we can do all the things we do. And we NEED to put our wellbeing first so we can carry on.
The Pandemic became a pressure cooker for change, dismantling the paradigm that told us that we need to work hard until we die. This is clearing space for the new paradigm to emerge and come forward as the new way of being. One where we value the feminine by beginning to acknowledge the inherent gems women have, unique strengths buried under societies BS expectations such as intuition, sensing, creating, collaborating, reading a room, etc.
When we push to produce, perform, achieve, and perfect day after day irregardless of our cycles or what else is going on in our worlds we are more vulnerable to burn out and experience serious mental health concerns. I am NOT here for it anymore. Too many amazing women are suffering in silence with depression, anxiety, binge eating and drinking and all sorts of other ways of coping that are holding us back from feeling our best and therefore living a life we whole-heartedly desire.
So, my love, please please please do not fall into that old trap. Do not be manipulated into believing that busyness is a good look or that you need to do or be more than you already are.
May we turn our attention inward, regulate our nervous systems and fill our tanks. May we breathe deep, dance hard, and laugh often. Shed the shoulds. Protect your precious resources like energy, time and intention fiercely. Say No. Ask for help. Take breaks. Move your body. Breathe. And for fuck’s sakes, rest and re-charge because this is just the beginning of the new way of being. We have some work ahead in creating the new paradigm for how we work, how we define success and how we shine bright in the world. NO biggie. We gots this.
3 Tips for Living in Extreme Uncertainty
It is November 2020, just two days into the election, and just when I thought we as Americans just could not take on any more uncertainty, we are waiting to hear who will be elected president.
It is November 2020, just two days into the election, and just when I thought we as Americans just could not take on any more uncertainty, we are waiting to hear who will be elected president. Having been on already shaky ground since March of this year due to COVID-19, adding a whole new level of uncertainty to the mix has many of us electric with anxiety. Or frozen in stuckness. Or wanting to run far, far away.
I am beginning to wonder if one of the larger assignments of getting through this really tough transition is learning to live with uncertainty.
The brain has evolved to protect us, and in doing so it needs to be able to predict future outcomes. It requires information so it can make a plan to keep us safe. It has us comparing ourselves to ensure we measure up and can survive socially. These functions of the brain are survival-based and have been evolving since the beginning of time when our environment was very much eat or be eaten.
Not having information to be able to predict future outcomes and plan for safety has our brains and nervous systems going haywire and this experience can be wildly uncomfortable. Anytime we are going through a big life change, personally and collectively we enter into the “unknown” periods that leave us restless, unsure, and lost.
here are 3 tips to live with uncertainty
Don’t forget to breathe. And really breathe.
The most nourishing thing we can do for our systems is to take a deep inhale and exhale. Seriously, a belly breathe will do more for you than a green juice. When we are in a place of uncertainty we tend to shorten our breath. I invite you right now to pause in this moment and just notice your breath. What is the quality, length, and what parts of your body are expanding and contracting? Now try putting one hand on your heart and the other on your belly and inhale to the count of 4 until you feel the hand on your belly rise, hold for 4 and exhale for 6. Do this for 3 minutes and notice how you feel after. Breathwork is not only nourishing for you on a cellar level, getting oxygen to your brain, it is also giving your brain and nervous system a signal that you are safe, releasing hormones that help you actually calm down and feel safe. We underestimate the healing power of our breath and connecting to it more mindfully each day will support us in being in uncertainty and listening to our own inner guidance.
Movement. Move your friggen’ body.
Several times a day. Our feelings are held in our bodies, therefore the fear, anxiety, worry, grief, all of it is stored in your body and so we need to shake and move off the energy. This can look different for each person. For some, a deep stretch feels like a good enough release. Dance is beautiful for this purpose. Walking, earthing, hiking, cycling, swimming, twerking, it does not matter. This is not about exercise. This is about releasing stuff that is stuck in the body. When I feel stuck or that I am spiraling in anxiety I just start dancing or shaking or jumping up and down. It shifts my focus, brings a smile to my face, and shifts my energy. I also recommend doing this to get through an urge to cope in an unhealthy way.
Daily Dose of JOY!
One of the hardest parts of living through these times is the feeling that there is nothing to look forward to. With COVID cases on the rise, holiday planning, vacations, and get-togethers are all on hold, yet again. Not having something to look forward to takes its toll on mental and emotional wellbeing- so I think it is so important to schedule in a daily dose of joy to your day, every day. Add in a bath with your new bath bomb, calling a friend, watching a show that makes you laugh, a short meditation, coffee on the patio, a good stretch outside facing the sun. It doesn’t need to be grandiose, it needs to be accessible and not serve a purpose other than to bring you joy. So what are the small things that bring you joy? Get out your phone/ planner and schedule one small daily dose of joy and have that to look forward to each day.
We need all the tools we can gather right now to remain grounded and healthy during these times of uncertainty. We need a break for our danger centers in the brain and our nervous systems. We need to process and access deep feelings and move them through our body and lastly, we need moments of pause to listen to ourselves and each other and be able to move forward in a conscious way.
Don’t let fear call the shots of your day, your life, and your outcomes. Fear has a purpose, to keep you safe, and it’s only a PART of you, it’s not the CEO of your life. YOU are. So, give yourself permission to sit in the yuck of not knowing, trusting that you will find your way somehow.
Take care of yourselves and therefore each other,
XO brooke jean
Identifying Feelings For The Woman Who Struggles To Feel
Are you feeling like you can no longer function the way you have been all these years? Feeling that you can no longer manage it all with a smile on your face while hiding the psychological torture you’re in?
Are you a high-achieving, highly anxious, perfectionistic woman who is currently feeling lost, overwhelmed, like a failure at everything, triggered often, and in a constant state of stress?
Are you feeling like you can no longer function the way you have been all these years? Feeling that you can no longer manage it all with a smile on your face while hiding the psychological torture you’re in? That you are buckling from your own internal pressure and want to check out completely? And has this phenomenon led you to cope in ways that are not healthy or in alignment with your higher self?
If so, then you are just like me and we are having a normal human response to living through a collective trauma and crisis.
I see you babe. I really really see you.
Because I am you.
Right now, with the global pandemic, racial justice movement and relentless changes such as all of sudden teaching our kids, taking our businesses online, being with our partners all the time and wearing masks to all. the. things, it feels like we are in a pressure cooker with no way out.
No way to release the steam and pressure to find relief.
When in this position, our stuff is emerging and rising to the surface. Our stuff meaning our stuffed feelings, parts of ourselves that are no longer serving us, patterns that prevent us from realizing our potential and feeling our best, and beliefs that hold us hostage from really living and being our authentic bad-ass-selves.
Those feelings that have been ignored and the ways in which you have kept them at bay; whether it be drinking, spending, cheating, raging, over producing, conflict in relationships, feeling bored with your career, or hating on yourself internally, are all ready to be honored and worked through.
Because when you do, sister, you rid yourself of all the junk weighing you down and holding you back.
This is an invitation to begin to tend to your feelings, your body holding those feelings and to begin to heal so you can navigate this collective transition we are in and perhaps even come out stronger and healthier than before.
One of my favorite ways to acknowledge and explore feelings is to set up a journal practice.
Journaling allows information that can often be outside of our awareness to come forward.
Before you begin your journal practice, I strongly encourage you to set up an uninterrupted sacred space that feels safe and relaxing. Take 10 deep belly breathes and enter into the space of self- compassion and reflection. You may even light a candle and put on some of your favorite music.
Here are some journal prompts to get you started. Don’t overthink these questions, let your gut be your guide:
How am I feeling about everything that is going on right now?
Where am I holding those feelings in my body? (close your eyes and scan your body – no judgment or shaming what is coming up!)
Am I making time to feel and what does that look like
What are the thoughts and beliefs I have about my feelings that are showing up?
What behaviors am I engaging in to avoid feeling?
Let the information flow and do your best to meet it with curiosity and kindness. This is all just information, there is no right or wrong and it is absolutely okay for you to be exactly where you are right now.
Just by doing this, tending to your feelings, and writing them out you are:
Showing up for yourself in meaningful and healing ways
Strengthening the mind-body connection so you can further identify and name feelings
Have moved the feelings, making a shift happen in your body
Now, MOVE YOUR BODY in any way that feels good to complete the process.
This could look like standing up and shaking, dancing, stretching, or going for a walk. Move the feelings through you and notice how you feel after.
Make this a practice you commit to as often as you can and notice shifts after a day, a week, and a month.
Now more than ever we need to tend to our emotional health and wellbeing and this practice can get you well on your way of doing just that.
Why Self-Care is the MOST Important Strategy for Success Edit
Learn Why Self-Care is the MOST Important Strategy for Success - If you're a working mama struggling to balance it all, this interview is for you.
Learn why this wildly successful working mama believes self-care is the most important strategy for success.
In my summit, Moms Living a Life they Love, I interviewed several brilliant, power-house business women who are also Moms on how they overcome barriers to have both, a successful career and flourishing family.
This Mom is a friend of mine who I have been inspired by in our community for several years. Holly Scott sets the bar for living the life she wanted and created. Somehow she makes being the VP of Wiesner Media, the Group Publisher of two very popular local magazines Mountain Living and Colorado Homes & Lifestyles, a very involved Mom of two boys and wife look not only fun but easyC
She has over 20 years of experience in the publishing and media industry. During her 15 years at Network Communications and WiesnerMedia, Inc., she elevated the company’s Home Design brands through increased sales revenues, product development, operations, mentorship, training, senior management, and marketing development.
In 2011, she authored “Sales University,” a weekly sales training program she developed and conducted for the company. In addition, she has hosted a Women’s Retreat to coach young women professionals about building confidence and creating work-life balance.
In my interview with her she shares:
Self-Care is #1 in her life and how that helps her
There really are NO EMERGENCIES
Her art of balance and time management
How to give yourself permission
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How to Manage Stress being a Working Mama
Learn specific ways to manage stress being a working mama among other tools and words of wisdom in this interview.
Learn how to manage stress being a working mama and so much more in this incredibly resourceful interview with one of my favorite boss babes.
In my summit, Moms Living a Life they Love, I interviewed several brilliant, power-house business women who are also Moms on how they overcome barriers to have both, a successful career and flourishing family.
This firecracker Mom, Michal Chesal, was so much fun to interview and her go-getter energy is just contagious. Three children, a divorce, and a thriving business later, she shares exactly what it takes to have both a family and thriving business.
She is a mompreneur who co-founded the Florida-based juvenile products company Baby K’tan, LLC. Shortly after the birth of her son, Coby, born with Down syndrome, Michal found herself searching for a baby carrier that could provide the sensory nourishment he required for optimal development. Unsatisfied with the options available, Michal began designing and creating her own modified carrier. Officially launched in 2007, the brand has since become one of the strongest names in infant carriers. Today, Baby K’tan, LLC continues to increase their product line, designing innovative products that promote the natural bond between parent and baby.
The culmination of her unique experiences has afforded her opportunities to be recognized in publications such as HuffPost, S FL Biz Journal, CBS & Miami Herald.
In my interview with her she shares:
How her bright idea was born out of her child’s necessity
Leveraging these 4 words to be successful: motivation, perseverance, patience and humility
Being a single working Mom, time management is critical
How to manage stress…
Set 3 small goals a day and making the moment important!
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The Power of Positive Thinking in Achieving Goals
In this interview, hear how the power of positive thinking can help you achieve your goals.
Be inspired by Eva’s vision to become an author and how she leveraged the power of positive thinking in achieving goals, and oh so much more!
In my summit, Moms Living a Life they Love, I interviewed several brilliant, power-house business women who are also Moms on how they overcome barriers to have both, a successful career and flourishing family.
Eva Pohler retired from a twenty-year position teaching writing and literature at a university in San Antonio, where she lives with her husband and three kids. Now a full-time writer, she’s the Amazon bestselling author of eighteen novels, including The Mystery Book Collection and three series for young adults: The Gatekeeper’s Saga, The Purgatorium Series, and The Vampires of Athens. Her books have been described as “thrilling” and “addictive.” A Kirkus reviewer said of The Gatekeeper’s Sons that it was “sure to thrill Hunger Games fans”.
In my interview with her she shares:
Take your big long-term plan and break it down into manageable goals
The power of positive thinking
Work when you can and when you’re in your flow of genius
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Inspiration for Working Women who want to have kids or already have them
Inspiration for working women who want to have kids or already have them by a power-house Momprenuer.
There is not much I am more passionate about than helping women know they don’t have to choose career or family, they truly can have both and in this interview we share inspiration for working women to want to have kids or already have them.
In my online interview series, “Moms Living a Life they LOVE”, I had the privilege of talking to successful, powerful, mompreneurs about how they have BOTH thriving businesses and loved families.
We address the taboo topics no one wants to talk about to normalize the challenges, pressures, expectations and realities we face as working mamas.
Hear from these FABULOUS ladies just how they do it, what lessons they have learned and be prepared to feel inspired.
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How to Help your Kids with Pain Addressing Pain, Fear and Focus.
Learn how to help your kids with pain by addressing pain, fear, and focus in this interview
Learn how this working Mom can help your kids with pain, while also inspiring you to get that business idea off the ground.
In my summit, Moms Living a Life they Love, I interviewed several brilliant, power-house business women who are also Moms on how they overcome barriers to have both, a successful career and flourishing family.
Want to go BIG with your career and family dreams? Starting her career in medicine while growing her family at the same time, Dr. Amy Baxter is a mother of three teenage kids, a full time entrepreneur and a previous emergency pediatrician and pain researcher.
She has been recognized for her visionary entrepreneurship following her invention of MMJ Lab’s core products: Buzzy® Needle Pain Relief and VibraCool™ Massaging Ice Therapy. Her multiple awards include Forbes Healthcare Technology Disruptors to Watch, MDDI Top 10 Innovative and Disruptive Women in Healthcare, Most Innovative CEO from Georgia’s Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), “Idea Person” by the Wall Street Journal, and Inc. Magazine’s Top Woman in Tech to Watch.
In my interview with her she shares:
Generous maternity leaves make people much more productive – give your brain something else to think about!
Cut stuff OUT to make room for what’s most important.
Don’t forget to honor WHO you are.
How to help your kids with pain addressing pain, fear and focus.
It’s not the quantity of moments, but the QUALITY of them that make memories….
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Discover your Purpose and Passion to live a whole-hearted and healthy life.
How to discover your purpose and passion to live a whole-hearted and healthy life.
Discover your purpose and passion to live a whole-hearted and healthy life.
Why is purpose and passion so important to your overall wellness?
Because when we live authentically, according to our values, and for our purpose, work doesn’t feel like work.
We wake up inspired for the day and for the impact, whether large or small, we are making on the world around us.
Our work takes up a significant portion of our time, energy, and life and therefore if we do not enjoy what we are doing, it’s a long run to retirement.
Discovering your purpose and living with passion enables you to enjoy the journey, the here and now, no longer waiting for retirement.
Some questions to ask yourself and reflect on in a quiet space to connect you with your calling are:
What wrongs are you wanting to make right?
What is your favorite thing to do?
What activity makes you feel in connection with yourself and others?
What is your struggle and your story and what would others learn from it?
What brings you joy and fulfillment?
If you could wake up tomorrow and time, money, education, all of it wasn’t a factor, what would you be doing?
These are just a few questions I explore with my clients who are ready and willing to start fulfilling their purpose.
Once you have decided what you are passionate about and what your purpose might be, its time to develop plans and begin taking action to help you get there.
Start with a vision and work your goals backwards to where you are today!
A career change, even when chasing your dreams, can be terrifying.
You are in transition, meaning you do not know what will happen and how it will all work out. This experience can create feelings such as fear, anxiety, worry, second-guessing and so much more.
Enlisting in a counselor or coach as a guide through your process can be immeasurably helpful for the discovery, planning, doing and processing parts of all of this.
Learn more about how I help clients live their best lives here!
3 Things to Consider when Focused on Wellness in the Workplace
Wellness in the Workplace - Three things to consider.
3 things to consider when focused on wellness in the workplace.
Learn more about how Brooke Jean Counseling & Coaching can support wellness in your biz here!
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ONE Sure Way to Remain Motivated to Accomplish your Goal
Discover one sure way to remain motivated to accomplish your goal.
One sure way to remain motivated to accomplish your goal:
This video describes the importance of being present and recognizing your progress as a way to remain motivated to accomplish any goal you have set for yourself.
Patience is a learned skill that I feel is necessary for long-term goals and growth.
AND by focusing on the positive and what is going well for us, well, we just so happen to end up manifesting more of that.
Learn more about my coaching services here!
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Making the Decision to Be Well!
Ready to make the decision to BE WELL, and stick with it?
How can you make the decision to be well and STICK WITH IT? Use your strengths and listen for more!
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Outlier Parenting Podcast Interview
Outlier Parenting Podcast Interview
Make it your BEST YEAR YET by Starting with a Vision
Making this your BEST YEAR YET by starting with a vision. Guidance with creating clear direction on how to achieve greatness.
Make it your best year yet by starting with a vision:
Here are some strategies to make 2018 your best year, by starting with a VISION, breaking it into goals with action items.
Learn more about how coaching might help you have your best year yet!
Book a FREE discovery call with me today!
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Feeling out of Control with Eating? Learn more about Intuitive Eating
Are you feeling out of control with eating and need some long-term solutions around food? Learn more about how Intuitive Eating may help.
Are you feeling out of control with eating this holiday season?
Watch this video to learn how to eat intuitively to remain healthy during the holiday season and during the entire year.
Intuitive Eating is NOT a restrictive dieting, because we all know those don’t work, nor are they long-term health solutions. Its a way of listening to your body’s cues, and stropping when you are satisfied, rather than full.
It’s about strengthening your mindfulness around eating. Are you eating because you are hungry, or because you are sad? You will learn your triggers so you can put some strategies into place during your most vulnerable times.
The body is wise and there is a difference between being physically hungry and emotionally hungry.
Learn more about how I support women with these types of struggles here!
Book a FREE discovery call to talk about intuitive eating here!
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Ways to take Care of Yourself During the Holidays
Looking for ways to take care of yourself during the holidays? As a miracle worker, aka MOM, don’t forget about you!
Ways to take care of yourself during the holidays! Especially for those working mamas trying to make miracles happen every season.
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How to be an Effective Leader: Have a People First Mentality
Learn how to be an effective leader by having a people first mentality.
Are you in a leadership role, but are struggling to build a healthy team culture that ultimately delivers outstanding business results?
So many leaders focus on results first and in this video, I flip that way of thinking and share how having a people first mentality is much healthier and will just feel good.
People are your biggest assets, and let’s be real, can be your biggest obstacles so learning how best to show up for your people is worth every ounce of investment.
If you are ready to learn to be an effective leader, this video is for you!
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Need Better Sleep Now? Consider these quick strategies
Are you ready to get better sleep now? So many of us are not getting adequate sleep each night, which has a detrimental effect on our overall well being.
Are you ready to get better sleep now? So many of us are not getting adequate sleep each night, which has a detrimental effect on our overall well being.
Being a recovering insomniac, and a therapist, I can honestly say that I have tried just about everything to sleep better. It took many years to find what has worked for me and while its not a “one size fits all” approach, I wanted to share some of my findings.
In this vlog, I share quick and simple strategies for getting better sleep while also providing you some things to consider if poor sleep is something you are struggling with.
Getting to the root of what is causing sleep issues is something we can dig into in therapy, learn more about my counseling services here.
And, if you’re ready to work on some things, I am here for you!
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Lost in Grief? Here are 3 Ways to Grieve CONSCIOUSLY
Are you feeling lost in grief? Here are 3 ways to grieve consciously to help you work your way through this loss.
Grief can be such a complex, unpredictable, and exhausting experience. No two people will grieve the same, grief is NOT linear nor does it follow any kind of timeline.
BUT…if we take time to CONSCIOUSLY grieve, we can work our way through it, rather than burying it deep inside of us (which tends to bubble up in unconscious and unhelpful ways later on!)
So, regardless of what phase of grief you are, these tips will support you in surviving today’s wave.
If you have suffered a loss, I highly recommend working through the loss with a counselor. Learn more about how I help clients with bereavement here.