Are you ready to see what’s possible when you free yourself from Perfection to become

Unstuck & Unstoppable?

Discover the proven system that’s helped myself and 1000’s of high achieving women overcome perfectionism so that they can create a life they ACTUALLY love.

Learn the tested & proven system I’ve created & innovated over the past decade.

This life-changing transformational course is for you if:

  • You have BIG juicy dreams & goals and you’re ready to remove the block that is Perfectionism so you can step into your fullest power and potential

  • You have hit your “There’s got to be a better way!” moment because even though you work your fanny off, it feels like it’s never enough and the joy, fulfillment and ease is lacking

  • You are ALL IN on doing the inner work to co-create a new reality, you are done forcing things, hustling, and burning yourself out

  • You’re ready to figure out who you really are and do identity work

  • You’ve ready to cultivate undeniable and unshakeable self-worth so that you can manifest more of what you desire

  • You’re beyond ready to get out of the busy mind, to heal the inner critic and take your place as the CEO of all your parts and LIFE

Unstuck & Unstoppable is a life-changing group coaching program that will walk you through step-by-step the UNperfected® Method to heal, become and freaking RISE!!!

  • Understand what Perfectionism is and Identify HOW its showing up in your life and FINALLY get to the damn root of it

  • Learn proven strategies to overcome self-criticism, upgrade your mindset, reprogram your subconscious beliefs and rewire your brain for ENOUGH-NESS

  • Integrate practices around self-compassion, radical acceptance and bad ass resilience

  • Workshop creating your Life’s VISION, setting goals and taking aligned action

  • Grow your healing & expanding toolkit to include tools such as Brainspotting techniques, visualization, breath work techniques, reframing, parts work, journal prompts and so much more…

  • Adopt a completely new paradigm shift around infinite possibility, ultimately creating new and meaningful outcomes for your life

  • Integrate more playfulness, pleasure, flow and freaking ease in your day-to-day life

  • Learn my go-to strategies for time & energy management

  • EMBODY your Queen like, CEO Self WORTH

Module 1: Understanding Perfectionism and its Impact

  • Lesson: Identifying your Inner Perfectionist & Root Causes

  • Lesson: Self Assessment & Recognizing Perfectionistic Tendencies

Module 2: Breaking Free from Perfectionist Mindsets

  • Lesson: Mindset Transformation

  • Lesson: Vision, Goals & Actionable Steps Guided Exercise

Module 3: Developing Self-Compassion and Resilience

  • Lesson: The Power of Self-Compassion

  • Lesson: Overcoming Self-Criticism

Module 4: Creating a Balanced and Fulfilling Life

  • Lesson: Building Your Personalized Self-Care Plan

  • Lesson: Identifying Priorities

Module 5: Embracing Your True Worth and Moving Forward

  • Lesson: Recognizing and Celebrating Your Accomplishments

  • Lesson: Living Authentically

Hear From People Who’ve Worked with Me

“Brooke Jean’s custom programs bring real tools to real women who are juggling all the hats we wear. From setting boundaries to incorporating self-care, to rising in your career while balancing motherhood; her approach is one that speaks to the hearts of all women. I have also referred Brooke Jean to do talks for organizations I run with and my clients have told me that her presentations have changed their lives. This is not another generic program - you will walk away different and better because of it. I can attest to this myself.”

~ Natalie Tuccio, Director of Business Development, Kennedy Richter

The biggest thing I learned being in Brooke’s group program is how important it is to put myself first and set boundaries. Learning about the CEO Self and all the players in our minds was huge for me, taking a step back and asking ‘Is this what I need or what another part of me thinking it what I need?’ The biggest shift was in my leadership, standing up and saying No for what I believe is right. Its great being in a group because you are not only learning from Brooke but from others and their experiences. I came out with a group of women that I can always reach out to for support.”

~ Julie Kopf, VP of Business Process Optimization, Trio Design Studio

“Taking Brooke’s program reminded me that I already have everything I need to be a successful leader within me and I don’t have to continue to “work harder” to be successful. This was huge in helping me run my business as a mom while having breathing room. I learned that doing the work from a heart led/ service led place will help me stay aligned with myself as a CEO and to always come back to myself and my intuition rather than feeling the pressure to do what others are doing. Brooke’s attitude and personal disclosures of her won story allow for a space to feel inspired, excited and hopeful. I loved meeting other inspiring women.”

~ Stephanie Konterer-O’ Hara, CEO of Wellminded Counseling and Host of Redefining Us Podcast

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am not sure if I have perfectionism or what it’s costing me?

In the program, we provide a ton of information on what Perfectionism is and how it shows up emotionally, psychologically, relationally and in your career. Additionally we provide an assessment helping you get clarity on your personal tendencies so you know where to begin the inner work.​

What if it doesn’t work?

Everything in life is a lesson or a blessing and you get out what you put in. If you show up for yourself, schedule time to indulge in the work, and apply the teachings, YOU WILL BE MOVED!

Is there a payment plan?

Yes!  First, if you go through the masterclass you get an immediate 50% off! And there is a 2-month payment plan for that price point and a 3-month payment plan for the full price.

What if I can’t find the time?

We drip the content for you each week AND you can take your time. You can revisit the lessons whenever works for you and have access to the program forever.

Are there refunds?

No. Go all in on yourself!

Is there additional support?

Yes! We have a kick off call 10/11/24 so be on the lookout for that AND you can level up VIP style and invest in a coaching bundle to support you along the way.

Sis - if you’re down to get the hell off the hamster wheel, become UNstuck and therefore UNstoppable…get IN THIS PROGRAM!

Let me let you in on my hot mess express STORY…imagine this…

I’m a single Mom working 50+ hours a week running a SuperTarget that I am supposed to clean up operationally and culturally in six months or less because its piloting a remodel for the company. I’m one hundred percent on the hustle train working my ass off, becoming the perfect Target leader to prove my enough-ness.

I wake up early and do all the things your typical SAHM would do for my son. I’m next level involved in his life, in his classroom, in his extra-freaking-curriculars like I’m not out here running a $45 million business leading 250 employees. I spend my one day off in my son’s classroom, volunteering for every field trip, never missing a practice, game or concert.

I drop my handsome off at school and head to the store where the pressure to perform just gets more and more intense and my pretending like I’ve got it together because I truly believe I can outrun my feelings and repressed trauma become unbearable. I do everything I can to perform and am on the “high potential” track to do more.

But each night, to cope with and check out of this pressure cooker I put myself in, I would drink a bottle of wine, throw together a plate of brie cheese and crackers and buy shit I wold later forget I purchased. I would sleep terribly and wake up in a never-ending loop of a shame spiral thinking “I did it again!”

Hating myself I would stuff my shame and double down on the doing, achieving and perfecting.

And y’all I did this for over a decade.

Until I couldn’t do it anymore.

The Universe kicked me in the tits (I tell this very vulnerable story inside my containers) and I knew deep down it was time.

Time to get right with myself.

Time to stop running.

My perfectionism was a trauma response.

A protective part.

And while it kept me safe and successful for quite some time, it all caught up with me and I made a powerful decision:

To Heal, Become, and freaking RISE!

Now my life is completely different…

I am living a life of my dreams. Fully aligned and alive. I know who I am and like who she is. I healed my protective parts and have taken my rightful spot as the CEO of my life. I don’t self sabotage and am shame free. I am not on an endless mean-girl inner narrative loop that drives me insane. I am more grounded, rooted and at ease then I knew was possible. I launched and scaled my business doing work I am obsessed with. Working with bad ass women who inspire me on the friggen daily. I make decisions based on whether or not my nips are hard, ha! I am not even joking! I grew my family welcoming our precious daughter into the world seven years ago. I vibrate high embodying my most authentic self and have the clarity, confidence and courage to live boldly. All of this has led to pinch me moments on the daily and success beyond what I ever could have held before.

Now it’s YOUR TURN babe!!!

Just saying YES to yourself in this way automatically kick-starts your goosebump worthy transformation.

Meet Your Transformation Guide

Brooke Jean, LPC

Founder of UNperfected®

Brooke Jean, MA, LPC is a Licensed Therapist, Coach, Speaker and the Host of The Unperfected Pod on a mission to normalize normal. She believes that life isn’t perfect, but it can be unperfected and using a blend of energy work, counseling, coaching & facilitation, she guides her audience to let go of who they think they are, in order to create the life they’ve been waiting for.

Brooke’s psychological sophistication and intuitive giftedness helps people cut to the chase, dig deep to get to the core root of things while coaching them to FREEDOM in a tell-it-like-it is and playful way. Her unique approach makes her work highly sought after and allows her to work with clients and companies internationally.

Being in her energy will move you. If you’re ready to be the most magnetic, electrifying, unapologetic version of yourself, she welcomes you in with a huge F*ck YES!