How To Process Emotion: A 6 Step Guide

What would happen if we dared to embrace our feelings, rather than run from them?

“How do I feel my feelings?” This question is something I often hear people asking, whether they’re my clients, Instagram followers, or just people in my life. Emotions are such a vital part of our human experience, yet we often find ourselves either avoiding them or getting stuck in them. It is something we don’t talk enough about because, likely, we were taught to stuff our emotions down and hide them.

Well that thought process is no more, baby! That's why I’m unpacking a six-step process to help you navigate your emotions more effectively in this week’s episode.

First off, it's essential to turn inward. We're so used to looking for solutions outside of ourselves, but when it comes to emotions, the answers lie within. The next step is to get out of our heads and into our bodies. This might sound a bit abstract, but it simply means paying attention to our physical sensations rather than overthinking our feelings.

Once we're tuned into our bodies, it's time to scan for sensations. This step is all about noticing where we feel our emotions physically. Maybe it's a tightness in your chest or a knot in your stomach. Wherever it is, bring your awareness to it.

The next step is to ask these sensations what they are bringing to your attention. This can be incredibly revealing. Our bodies have a wisdom of their own, and by listening to them, we can gain insights that our minds might overlook. Then, it's crucial to sit with these emotions without judgment. This can be tough because our first instinct is often to push uncomfortable feelings away. But sitting with them allows us to process and understand them.

Finally, we need to move these emotions out of our bodies. This can be done in various ways—crying, talking, breathwork, or even physical movement like dancing or exercising. The goal is to release the emotional energy rather than letting it fester inside us.

Emotion needs to be in motion.

Write that down somewhere. Make it your mantra.

During this episode, I emphasized that emotions are body sensations and have an energetic frequency. When we repress them, it can negatively affect our mental, emotional, and physical health. By processing our emotions, we allow ourselves to heal and grow.

I can't stress enough how transformative this process can be. It's not about getting rid of our emotions, but learning to navigate them in a healthy way. When we do this, we can live more fully and authentically. We can live the life we LOVE.

So, let’s FEEL our feelings my love. And remember, the next time you're feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, try turning inward and following these steps. You might be surprised at the peace and clarity you find.

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Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!

XO, Brooke Jean

    • Join the private Facebook group "Mommy's Mental Health Matters" for free coaching.

    • Download the freebie "Your Immediate Calm Down Kit" for mental health tools and techniques.

    • Stay tuned for the upcoming free masterclass "Perfectionism Detox".

    • Feelings are body sensations and biochemical responses felt in the body.

    • We repress our feelings due to socialization, fear of judgment, and past experiences.

    • Repressing emotions can lead to physical symptoms, numbing behaviors, and perfectionism.

    • Women carry a higher burden of autoimmune diseases due to stuffing emotions.

    • Repressed emotions drain energy from the body and can manifest in various symptoms.

    • Reconnecting with the body and feeling emotions is a journey that requires patience and consistency.

    • Turn your attention inward, get out of your head, and scan your body for sensations.

    • Ask the sensation what it's bringing your attention to and sit with it non-judgmentally.

    • Stay out of your thoughts and breathe through the emotion, allowing it to pass through your body.

    • Move the emotion out of your body through various techniques such as crying, talking, and physical movement.

    • Engage in activities like dancing, yoga or hiking to release stuck emotions.

    • Specific exercises for releasing anger include squeezing fists, pushing against a wall, and twerking.

    • Decluttering stuck emotions leads to better energy.

    • Seeking support through therapy and sharing the episode with others can help spread the message.


I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.

Follow along on Instagram
@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.

Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!

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subscribe, rate and review the unPERFECTED pod, share the episode on social media, and tag me at @brookejeanunperfected.

Thanks so much for listening!