5 Ways to Infuse More JOY Into Your Life

How can you add more joy into your daily life and experience the transformative power it brings?

It is officially June and I am declaring it JOYFUL JUNE! Yes, you heard that right mama – we are setting the frequency standard of joy and learning how to weave it into our everyday lives. I am sure a lot of us are in the transition from the school year to summer and it can be hard to find those moments for yourself during those days. But even in everyday life, finding the joy in the day is essential for us all, it will help us thrive in the long run.

So this week I am diving into the art of being more joyful, which also means being more playful! I've got five powerful steps for you, and I promise, they are game-changers.

5 Ways to Infuse Joy Into Your Life:

Step 1: Set your Intention
First things first, we are making the decision – a powerful one at that. We’re setting the intention that we are going to be more joyful, damn it! This isn’t just a wish; it’s a commitment. We are determined to experience more joy in our day-to-day lives. We’re going out of our way to create it. Imagine your future self, living more joyfully, beckoning you to catch up. It’s happening. It’s done. Let's get on board with that vision!

Step 2: Find the humor in things.
Next up, we’re going to find the humor in things, especially the hard things. Life can be tough – being an adult, running a business, maintaining relationships – it’s all a hot mess sometimes. But here’s the secret: there’s humor in all of it. We’re going to laugh at our failures, embrace our messiness, and see the ridiculousness in our daily struggles. Trust me, it’s there if you look for it, and it’s incredibly liberating.

Step 3: Don’t take it so seriously.
You can have big dreams and still lighten up. Seriousness can block what you truly desire in life. Love, money, abundance, opportunities, happiness, joy – none of these thrive in a super serious atmosphere. Let’s ease up and allow joy to flow more freely. We can still pursue our goals passionately without the heavy burden of seriousness weighing us down.

Step 4: Schedule the fun.
What does fun look like for you? Whatever it is, schedule it in! Try new things and make time for activities that bring you joy. For me, it’s dancing. I’ve been taking dance classes every week, and it’s been a blast! It’s helping me reconnect with my highest self, and that’s the person I want to be in all areas of my life. So, find your fun and make it a non-negotiable part of your schedule.

Step 5: Prioritize and protect it.
This is where it gets real. You've decided to prioritize joy and even scheduled it in. Now, you need to protect it fiercely. Other people's needs will creep up, and you might feel compelled to put your joy on the back burner. Here’s where boundaries come into play. Don’t let anyone or anything overshadow your joy. When you say joy is important, mean it and stand by it. Protecting your joy is crucial for maintaining your frequency and energetic momentum.

This is your call forward to be and bring the joy in small ways, in big ways, and see what that does for your daily kind of mental health meter, for your daily fulfillment and what that also does for you in your professional career.

When you energetically commit to more joy, schedule it, find humor in life, and avoid taking things too seriously, you start building momentum. The universe will test you to see how serious you are about joy, and it's up to you to pass that test by protecting your joy and setting boundaries. Consistency in bringing joy into your life will create an upward spiral of positivity, attracting more of what you desire.

Remember, joy isn’t something you find at the end of the road. It’s in the moments and the journey of getting there. The most successful people will tell you that hitting milestones often doesn’t bring the happiness they expected. True joy is found in the process, in the everyday moments that make up our lives.

So my love, let’s embrace these five steps and set our frequency standard around joy. Make the decision, find the humor, lighten up, schedule your fun, and protect your joy.

Here’s to creating a life filled with more joy, every single day.


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Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!

XO, Brooke Jean

    • Storytime: Experiencing joy in the mastermind retreat.

    • Joy is our birthright and attracts positive things into our lives.

    • June is "Joyful June".

    • Make a powerful decision to be more joyful.

    • Send a signal to the universe to attract more joy.

    • Teach your brain that joy is important through the reticular activating system (RAS).

    • Normalize the challenges of parenting and life transitions.

    • Choose to find humor in ridiculous situations instead of getting triggered.

    • Maintain a playful spirit to stay in alignment with your true self.

    • Recognize that seriousness can be a buzzkill for creativity, fun, and joy.

    • Question why you're taking things so seriously and the impact it has on others.

    • Embrace a playful approach to your mission and responsibilities.

    • Identify what brings you joy by reflecting on your childhood passions.

    • Schedule fun activities like dance classes, nature outings, or hobbies.

    • Make time for enjoyable moments throughout your day.

    • Treat your joy appointments with the same importance as your children's needs.

    • Notice any resistance to prioritizing yourself and work through it.

    • Reprogram limiting beliefs about self-care and joy.

    • Recognize that true happiness is found in the journey, not just the destination.

    • Consistently prioritize joy to build momentum and attract more of what you desire.

    • Find playfulness in the challenges of pursuing your mission and goals.


I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.

Follow along on Instagram
@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.

Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!

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