Master Your Monkey Mind & Embrace Authenticity
What if you could transform your self-doubt into self-empowerment?
Relationships, especially long-term ones like marriage, are incredible vessels for growth, and sometimes that growth is far from easy. It’s a constant dance of communication, patience, and commitment to evolving, both as individuals and as partners.
When I reflect on my own journey, it’s clear that communication is key. In the early stages of my marriage, we communicated, sure—but there’s a big difference between communicating to get your point across and communicating to understand each other. Over time, I realized that true connection in a relationship goes beyond just exchanging words; it’s about actively listening and holding space for your partner. And wow, did that shift make a difference! We began to grow together, not just individually.
But let’s be real, it wasn’t always smooth sailing. As much as I’d love to say that our communication solved all of our problems, there’s a whole other layer that I had to tackle: managing my own thoughts. If you're like me, you may have a tendency to create stories in your head—stories that often aren’t based on facts but rather fear, doubt, or past experiences. These stories are those negative thoughts that can snowball if we let them, casting shadows over even the most beautiful aspects of our relationships.
Stop believing your thoughts and start becoming an observer of them. You get to choose which thoughts you wanna believe and respond to.
I’ve come to realize that believing every thought that pops into my head is not only unproductive but downright harmful. For years, I would allow these negative thoughts to guide my actions, which led to unnecessary tension and misunderstandings. But then I made a conscious decision: I was no longer going to be held hostage by my own mind.
One of the biggest game-changers for me was learning how to create new, positive neural pathways. Yes, I’m talking about the actual science behind changing your brain! We have the power to rewire our minds, and it starts with being aware of the stories we’re telling ourselves. Instead of letting negative thoughts take the driver’s seat, I began to focus on positive affirmations, gratitude, and the things I truly wanted to believe about myself, my partner, and our relationship.
Now, don’t get me wrong—it’s not as simple as flipping a switch. It’s a practice, and it takes time. But the beauty is, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Just like in any other area of life, growth in relationships requires a willingness to change. And when you change your thoughts, everything around you starts to shift too.
So, if you’re finding yourself stuck in a pattern of negative thinking, whether in your relationship or in other areas of your life, I encourage you to start challenging those thoughts. Don’t accept them as truth. Instead, make room for new, positive thoughts that reflect the kind of life and relationship you truly want to experience.
By committing to growth, both in communication and in the way we manage our thoughts, we can foster deeper, more fulfilling connections. And isn’t that what life is all about? Let’s keep growing together!
PS. If you haven’t heard already, the doors are officially open for my course, Unstuck & Unstoppable!! I have relaunched it with even bigger and better material - it’s going to be EPIC! Deets are below!
Overcome Perfectionism and Embrace Your True Worth to Become Unstuck & Unstoppable!
Are you ready to see what’s possible when you free yourself from Perfection to become Unstuck & Unstoppable?
This self-guided, online course will walk you through a transformative journey from being stuck in perfectionist tendencies to embracing your true worth, ultimately leading to a more balanced, fulfilling, and authentic life.
I've added a new element to the course for you, 12 live coaching calls! It's going to be epic.
Sis - if you’re down to get the hell off the hamster wheel, become UNstuck and therefore UNstoppable…get IN THIS PROGRAM!
Just saying YES to yourself in this way automatically kick-starts your goosebump worthy transformation.
Sign up here and I will see you in there!
Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!
XO, Brooke Jean
Brooke introduces her new program called 'Unstuck and Unstoppable.'
It highlights personal growth topics such as:
Identifying barriers
Parts work
Reconnecting with one's highest self
Focusing on evolving together despite differences, emphasizing healing and deepening connection.
Transitioning into managing overwhelming thoughts.
Brooke advises listeners to stop believing every thought as the brain often misleads with anxious narratives.
The pervasive issue of anxiety and negative thought patterns that have intensified post-pandemic.
The staggering fact that 80% of our daily thoughts are fear-based lies, often repetitive and ingrained in our neural pathways.
The negative thought loops stem from absorbed beliefs and experiences, especially trauma, forming during early childhood years.
Awareness and observation of these thoughts, emphasizing the importance of not believing every thought that arises.
Identifying and challenging these thoughts, one can align more with their higher, 'CEO self', which embodies inherent worth and positive action.
Self-confidence enables a person to filter thoughts non-judgmentally, ultimately managing anxiety and fostering a healthier mindset by listening to one's intuition and feelings.
Common misunderstandings in relationships, particularly how people often misinterpret their partner's actions as a lack of love or effort.
The importance of shifting away from negative thought patterns by focusing on one's intuition and heart rather than automatic mental responses.
Techniques such as pausing, breathing, naming the thought, and then releasing it are recommended to disrupt negative cycles.
Methods-like brain spotting and journaling are suggested to reprogram the subconscious.
The practice of gratitude and positive focus to cultivate beneficial neural pathways and improve relational perceptions.
The process of transforming negative neural pathways into positive ones.
Emphasizing the importance of facing and releasing unpleasant feelings rather than avoiding them.
Focusing on positive thoughts to release 'feel-good' hormones and promote emotional well-being.
The need to consciously choose positive thoughts and experiences to rewire the mind and improve one's life.
Brooke shares how she overcame negative thoughts through diligent inner work, resulting in a life they love.
Managing thoughts consciously, aligning spiritual and scientific approaches to improve one's mental and emotional state.
The importance of disrupting negative thought patterns and creating new neural pathways for personal growth.
Brooke promotes a program called 'Unstuck and Unstoppable' which is designed to help individuals manage their 'monkey mind', release emotions, and connect authentically with themselves.
This approach makes individuals unstoppable and enhances their life experience, encouraging engagement through coaching sessions or consistent listening to the podcast.
Brooke invites to share their progress and experiences on Instagram for support and motivation!

I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.
Follow along on Instagram
@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.
Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!
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subscribe, rate and review the unPERFECTED pod, share the episode on social media, and tag me at @brookejeanunperfected.
Thanks so much for listening!