Break Free: Step into Your Authentic Identity

How would your life change if you fully embraced the idea that you are already worthy, just as you are?

Now, if you know me or have been following my journey, you’ll know that self-sacrifice used to be my middle name. As a single mother, I often found myself at the bottom of my own priority list, constantly pouring from an empty cup and feeling like I had to be everything for everyone.

But oh, how things have changed! I’ve done some serious work to shed that old identity—the one that was rooted in unworthiness and self-sacrifice—and instead, I’ve stepped into my CEO self. And let me tell you, this version of me is worthy, aligned with love, light, and authenticity. It’s been a journey (with plenty of messy middle moments), but one that has brought me to a place of self-love, self-acceptance, and living a life that feels, dare I say it, UNperfected®️.

Let’s be real for a second—how many of us are walking around carrying outdated identities? You know, the ones that were formed when we were young, when the world told us who we should be, what we should do, and how we should live. For me, a lot of those old stories were tied up in being the good girl, the superwoman single mom, and of course, the martyr who sacrifices everything for others.

Here’s the thing though: those identities no longer served me. They kept me small, stuck, and feeling like I wasn’t enough. And worse, they were rooted in this deep sense of unworthiness. No ma’am, not anymore. I decided to do the work, dig deep, and redefine who I really am.

And spoiler alert: I get to decide who I want to be, and so do YOU!

We all have these core identities that were formed way back when—around the age of eight, to be exact. They were built on the stories and experiences we had as kids, but guess what? We’re not kids anymore! We have the power to choose a new identity, one that aligns with our true self, our true desires, and our true worth. It’s about living in alignment with love, light, and authenticity.

So, how do you actually go about shedding those old, outdated identities? Here’s where it gets juicy! It’s all about awareness and intention. Start by getting curious about the stories you’ve been telling yourself. What beliefs are holding you back? What identities are you clinging to that no longer feel good?

For me, it was recognizing that my identity as a self-sacrificing single mom was keeping me from embracing self-care and prioritizing my own needs. It was time to upgrade that identity and step into my power as a woman who deserves love, rest, and abundance. It’s about rewriting the narrative—I’m not just a mom; I’m a CEO of my life, a woman who is worthy of all the goodness the world has to offer.

Actionable Steps for Living in Alignment

Now, let’s get practical. If you’re ready to embrace your UNperfected®️ self, here are a few steps to get you started:

  1. Identify your current identity: Who do you think you are, and who have you been told to be? Write it down. Get clear on the stories you’ve been carrying around.

  2. Get clear on your desired identity: Who do you want to be? What kind of life do you want to create? Picture your most aligned, authentic self, and get excited about stepping into that version of you.

  3. Take bold, aligned action: It’s not enough to just think about the life you want to live—you have to take steps toward it. Whether it’s setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, or saying no to things that don’t serve you, every small step brings you closer to that aligned life.

  4. Embrace the unPerfected journey: Let’s get one thing straight: there is no such thing as perfect. You’re not aiming for perfection—you’re aiming for alignment, authenticity, and joy. So, let go of the idea that you have to have it all figured out and instead, embrace the beauty of imperfection. You’re doing just fine!

At the end of the day, this journey isn’t about becoming someone you’re not—it’s about returning to who you’ve always been, the version of you that is worthy of love, care, and abundance. I’m living proof that it’s possible to go from a place of self-sacrifice and unworthiness to a life that feels aligned, authentic, and full of love.

Let’s shed those old identities, step into our CEO selves, and live a life that’s beautifully, unapologetically UNperfected®️.

It’s time to prioritize YOU, take bold steps toward self-love, and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!

XO, Brooke Jean

    • The concept of self-worth and its crucial role in unlocking infinite possibilities.

    • The importance of inner work, particularly reparenting the inner child and teenager to heal past traumas and reshape limiting beliefs. 

    • Fostering unshakeable self-worth, it becomes possible to attract miracles and abundance.

      • Living in a one-bedroom apartment in a rough part of Denver to buying her first house.

      • Prioritizing her son's needs and balancing financial responsibilities.

      • Being proud of her hard work and dedication to providing for her family.

    • Brooke shares her personal experiences of overcoming traditional self-sacrificing.

    • The importance of self-prioritization for overall well-being.

    • Identity formation, emphasizing how seminal experiences around the age of eight shape self-perception.

    • The concept of core identity and how negative beliefs about oneself and being reinforced through life experiences.

    • The human capacity to choose a new, upgraded identity by altering deeply ingrained thoughts and habits.

    • Brooke talks about her personal examples, such as her non-smoking stance and love for work.

    • The transformation journey from a core identity of unworthiness to embracing a self-worth filled identity.

    • How feelings of not being enough drive behaviors such as perfectionism and seeking validation.

    • Recognizing behaviors with compassion and choose an identity aligned with intrinsic worthiness. 


I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.

Follow along on Instagram
@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.

Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!

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