High Standards vs. Perfectionism: What's the Difference?

Are your high standards fueling your success, or are they secretly pushing you towards perfectionism and burnout? 

If you're like me, you probably love setting big goals and striving for excellence. But sometimes, we can push ourselves to the extremes, leaving no room for mistakes, fun, or even rest.

I used to think that having high standards meant everything had to be perfect. I’d force myself to achieve flawless results, constantly seeking external validation to feel like I was enough. But here’s the thing: striving for perfection can lead to burnout, and that’s not what any of us really want.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that there’s a huge difference between force and flow. When we force things, we’re constantly fighting against ourselves, trying to meet impossible standards. It’s exhausting and unsustainable. But when we find our flow, we work with our natural strengths and passions. It’s more enjoyable, and we can still achieve amazing things without the stress.

In my journey of recovering from perfectionism, I discovered the importance of giving myself grace. It’s okay to have high standards, but it’s also okay to be unperfected.

"It’s not about lowering your standards; it’s about being kind to yourself when you don’t meet them."

Allowing ourselves to be human and make mistakes actually helps us grow and learn faster.

So, how can you tell if you’re crossing the line from healthy ambition to destructive perfectionism? Here are some signs I’ve noticed in my own life:

  1. Extreme Thinking: Are you seeing things in black and white, like success vs. failure with no middle ground?

  2. Burnout: Are you constantly tired, even after taking breaks?

  3. External Validation: Do you need others’ approval to feel good about your accomplishments?

Now, let’s talk about some practical strategies to help you maintain high standards without falling into perfectionism:

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Aim high, but make sure your goals are achievable. Break them down into smaller steps and celebrate each milestone.

  2. Embrace Mistakes: Instead of fearing mistakes, see them as opportunities to learn. Remember, "mistakes are proof that you’re trying."

  3. Find Your Flow: Focus on activities that bring you joy and align with your strengths. This way, you’ll achieve more without the constant struggle.

By balancing high standards with self-compassion, we can make a meaningful impact in our lives and others. We can pursue our desires without the harsh pressure of perfectionism. So let’s be kind to ourselves, embrace our unperfected selves, and enjoy the journey!

If you are ready to reclaim your true and unshakable self -worth so that that can elevate you in life leadership and business then definitely hop on over and get in my latest program! Deets below!

Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!

XO, Brooke Jean

    • High standards can fuel ambition without sacrificing well-being.

    • Recognizing the fine line between healthy goals and harmful perfectionism.

    • "Unstuck and Unstoppable" program: A compass for breaking free from perfectionism.

    • Balancing family time: A delicate art of parenting.

    • Finding joy in imperfect family moments.

    • Intentional quality time: The cornerstone of nurturing relationships.

    • High standards as a source of inspiration, not exhaustion.

    • Extreme thinking: The red flag of perfectionism's sneaky influence.

    • Distinguishing between the flow of ambition and the force of perfectionism.

    • Tuning into bodily signals to differentiate healthy ambition from harmful perfectionism.

    • Fine line: between excitement for goals and anxiety from perfectionist pressure.

    • Cultivating body awareness: A crucial skill for staying on track with authentic goals.

  • Internal desires fuel fulfillment; external validation leads to draining energy.

    • Big goals are admirable, but the underlying motivation determines sustainability.

    • The art of caring deeply about your work without falling into the perfectionism trap.

  • Releasing perfectionism: The key to unlocking energy for meaningful pursuits.

    • The harmonious coexistence of high standards and self-compassion.

    • Sustainable success: A journey of consistent effort and graceful recovery from setbacks.


I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.

Follow along on Instagram
@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.

Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!

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