Can You Achieve Success and Joy Without Being a Perfectionist?

How can letting go of perfectionism enhance your drive and lead to a more fulfilling life?

You're not alone. For the longest time, I believed that my drive and momentum were tied to being perfect. But what if I told you that letting go of perfectionism doesn't mean losing your edge? Instead, it means channeling your gifts and energy more intentionally and effectively.

I used to be a textbook perfectionist. Every project had to be flawless, every detail meticulously planned. It was fricken’ exhausting! My inner critic was relentless, constantly pushing me to achieve more, do better, be the best. And while it did help me reach some of my goals, it also left me feeling drained and unfulfilled.

Let’s get real: as perfectionists, we often bump into a fear that holds us back from healing and transforming. It's this gnawing fear that if we let go of our perfectionism, we'll lose our edge, our drive, our hard-earned momentum. We're terrified that everything we've built – our careers, businesses, families, homes, and even our savings – will come crashing down.

But guess what? That fear is some bulls*t, and I’m here to debunk it.

First off, let’s normalize this fear. It’s perfectly okay to be on the fence about acknowledging your struggles with perfectionism. Perfectionism is sneaky and manifests in various ways – procrastination, indecision, a relentless inner critic, staying up late to perfect something, playing small, or people-pleasing. These are all covert symptoms of perfectionism. If you overanalyze, rework things endlessly, or hold back on your dreams, you might be dealing with perfectionism. And that's okay.

In a previous podcast episode, I discussed seven signs that you might be suffering from perfectionism, and how it’s a protective part of our psyche. We've built this part to push us to greatness, thinking it's the reason for our success. We fear that without this drive, we’ll lose everything we’ve worked for. I get it – I’ve been there. My drive to overachieve was insane, driven by trauma and perfectionism.

Here’s the kicker though: overcoming perfectionism doesn't mean you lose your edge. In fact, you get to channel your drive more intentionally.

When you shed the layers of perfectionism, you’ll find that your core – your true self – is still golden. You still have that fire and those gifts, but now you can use them more effectively.

Perfectionism comes with a high cost – the pressure, anxiety, and relentless inner critic. These are full-time jobs that drain your precious energy. When you let go of these burdens, you free up that energy to become the woman you’re meant to be. You start showing up authentically, embodying your true self, and guess what? That’s when the magic happens, honey.

Imagine a life where you can channel your gifts and energy with intention, without the constant pressure to be perfect. Picture yourself achieving your goals with a sense of purpose and fulfillment, rather than fear and self-criticism. That's the beauty of letting go of perfectionism.

Embrace the possibility that when you heal your perfectionism, you gain confidence, joy, and ease. You redefine success on your terms, free from the pressures of being perfect. Anything created out of lack, fear, and survival isn’t truly yours. You are made of love and light, and when you let go of perfectionism, you make space for what you truly desire.

I’ve done the work to like who I am, and it has transformed my life. I’m more present, joyful, and successful than ever. I get to enjoy the journey, not just the destination. And you can too.

Here’s to making space for what really matters and embracing our true, imperfectly perfect selves.

Sign Up for My Perfectionism Detox FREE Masterclass!

If you couldn’t make it to my masterclass last week, or are just finding out about it - you can still sign up, watch the recording and work through the class at your own pace! In this class you’ll learn how to understand what Perfectionism is and identify HOW it’s showing up in your life, learn proven therapeutic strategies to overcome Perfectionism, ways to reclaim inner peace & self- worth, and SO much more!

If you’re ready to ditch the old habits, jump off the hamster wheel so you can feel more at ease, then this class is for you honey.

Go snag your spot here and I’ll see you there!

BRAND NEW: Overcome Perfectionism and Embrace Your True Worth with in the Unstuck & Unstoppable Masterclass!

Are you ready to see what’s possible when you free yourself from Perfection to become Unstuck & Unstoppable?

This self-guided, online course will walk you through a transformative journey from being stuck in perfectionist tendencies to embracing your true worth, ultimately leading to a more balanced, fulfilling, and authentic life.

Sis - if you’re down to get the hell off the hamster wheel, become UNstuck and therefore UNstoppable…get IN THIS PROGRAM!

Just saying YES to yourself in this way automatically kick-starts your goosebump worthy transformation.


Sign up here and I will see you in there!

Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!

XO, Brooke Jean

    • Perfectionism often masquerades as procrastination and indecision.

    • Many fear losing their drive if they overcome perfectionism.

    • Introduction to the "Unstuck and Unstoppable" program.

    • Perfectionism is often a protective mechanism developed over time.

    • Acknowledging perfectionism is the first step towards change.

    • Healing perfectionism doesn't mean losing your drive or ambition.

    • Perfectionism consumes significant mental and emotional energy.

    • Releasing perfectionism frees up energy for authentic goals.

    • Focusing on what truly matters leads to greater fulfillment.

    • Prioritize activities that genuinely excite you.

    • Self-acceptance is crucial for personal and professional growth.

    • Success redefined: from external validation to inner fulfillment.

    • Journal about fears and possibilities related to letting go of perfectionism.

    • Success isn't about meeting societal standards, but personal fulfillment.

    • Authenticity attracts genuine opportunities and relationships.


I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.

Follow along on Instagram
@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.

Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!

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Thanks so much for listening!