7 Signs You’re Suffering from Perfectionism & Ways to Break Free

Could perfectionism be the very thing holding you back from becoming who you're meant to be?

Perfectionism shows up in different ways for each of us, but it is something many of us wrestle with in our lives. A lot of times it's sneaky, it's insidious, and it isn't easy to spot.

In this week’s episode, I break down the seven telltale signs that might indicate you're grappling with perfectionism so you’re able to start building awareness around them, have some self -compassion, and start to do some things different.

So, let's shed some light on the sneaky signs that perfectionism might be running the show in your life.

  1. Feeling Stuck: Ever find yourself reworking something til the cows come home? That feeling of being stuck can often be a sign that perfectionism is driving the bus. Many of us are constantly spinning on the hamster wheel because we're waiting for that one thing to be better and more indifferent before we take action.

  2. Indecisiveness: Can't make a decision to save your life? Indecisiveness can stem from a fear of making the wrong choice—a classic perfectionist dilemma. Remember, decisions don't have to be perfect; they just need to move you forward.

  3. Anxiety: Feeling constantly wound up, overwhelmed, or anxious? Perfectionism thrives on the pressure to measure up to impossibly high standards we set for ourselves. It's okay to ease up and give yourself some grace.

  4. Procrastination: Starting projects but struggling to finish them? Procrastination often masks a fear that what we produce won't be good enough. Remember, done is better than perfect. Progress over perfection, always.

  5. Mean Inner Critic: That relentless voice in your head that tells you you're not enough? Yep, that's the perfectionist's best friend. Challenge that inner critic and replace harsh judgments with self-compassion.

  6. Not Celebrating Accomplishments: Do you rush past your achievements without taking a moment to celebrate? Perfectionists often overlook their successes, always chasing the next goal. Pause, acknowledge your wins, and celebrate your journey.

  7. On the Road to Burnout: Lastly, if you're pushing yourself to the brink—mentally, physically, or emotionally—you might be on the road to burnout. Perfectionism can lead to exhaustion and a sense of never doing or being enough. Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it's essential.

If any of these signs resonate with you, know that you're not alone my love.

Recognizing perfectionism is the first step towards reclaiming your peace and joy. It's about embracing imperfection, learning from mistakes, and valuing progress over an unattainable idea of perfection.

So, let's ditch the hamster wheel of perfectionism together. Embrace the journey of growth, celebrate your victories (big and small), and remember honey, you are enough just as you are. Here's to living authentically and gracefully navigating the beautiful messiness of life.

Ready to Stop Sitting and Spinning in Perfectionism?

If you are that high achieving, ease seeking, busy working mom who finds herself just sitting and spinning on the hamster wheel of never enoughness, then the Get Unstuck FREE Guide is for you!

This guide is a mix of education for why and how you got stuck, what the heck is happening in the brain and body when you feel stuck and how to override these natural functions to create new patterns that help you get the results you want in life. Whether it’s dedicating time to self-care, reaching new clients, making more money, strengthening relationships or setting boundaries, all of the steps in here will guide you.

Remember...Life is Better, UNperfected.

Make sure to snag it. It's like having me, your coach in your back pocket to help you unhook so you can start creating the life that you actually dream of. Grab yours in the link below!

Get your FREE guide!

NEW! Perfectionism Detox Masterclass - July 19th!

Okay mamas, I am super excited to finally share with you about something I’ve been working on lately. Introducing my upcoming free masterclass, the Perfectionism Detox! In this class you’ll learn how to understand what Perfectionism is and identify HOW it’s showing up in your life, learn proven therapeutic strategies to overcome Perfectionism, ways to reclaim inner peace & self- worth, and SO much more!

If you’re ready to ditch the old habits, jump off the hamster wheel so you can feel more at ease, then this class is for you honey. I hope you’ll join me on July 19th from 12pm - 1:30pm MST for a class that will change your life!

Registration is officially open, go snag your spot here and I’ll see you then!

Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!

XO, Brooke Jean

    • The Get Unstuck Guide offers five therapeutic steps to overcome perfectionism.

    • Awareness of brain and body reactions is crucial when feeling stuck.

    • Reframing thoughts is a key technique to change behaviors and outcomes.

    • Being unable to move forward or take the next step indicates perfectionism.

    • Constantly reworking projects without completion is a sign of perfectionism.

    • Perfectionism often manifests as an inability to launch or finish endeavors.

    • Indecisiveness is a clear indicator of perfectionism.

    • Fear of making the wrong decision often paralyzes perfectionists.

    • Perfectionism can affect both small daily choices and major life decisions.

    • Feeling anxious and overwhelmed is common among perfectionists.

    • Perfectionism creates pressure that leads to a dysregulated nervous system.

    • Understanding the source of pressure is key to addressing perfectionism-induced anxiety.

    • Perfectionists often struggle to complete projects or hit deadlines.

    • Procrastination stems from the belief that work isn't "good enough" yet.

    • Last-minute rushes are common as perfectionists avoid prolonged anxiety.

    • A harsh, critical inner voice is a hallmark of perfectionism.

    • The inner critic constantly reminds perfectionists of their perceived shortcomings.

    • Negative self-talk creates a cycle of perceived inadequacy and perfectionist behaviors.

    • Perfectionists often fail to recognize or celebrate their accomplishments.

    • There's a constant drive to achieve the next goal without pausing for appreciation.

    • The journey and personal growth are often overlooked in pursuit of perfection.

    • Perfectionism often leads to exhaustion and eventual burnout.

    • Burnout can manifest as mental, physical, and emotional collapse.

    • Recognizing the signs of burnout is crucial for intervention.

    • It's possible to achieve success without sacrificing well-being.

    • The "Unperfected" method offers a path to alignment and sustainable growth.

    • Embracing imperfection can lead to a more joyful, purposeful, and fulfilling life.


I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.

Follow along on Instagram
@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.

Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!

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Thanks so much for listening!