6 Steps on How to Go from Confusion to Clarity

How can you tap into your inner wisdom to gain clarity and direction in your life?

If you've ever felt like you're stuck in a whirlwind of tasks, responsibilities, and decisions without a clear path forward, you're not alone, mama! We've all been there—spinning in circles, trying to keep up with the chaos of modern life.

But here's the thing: when we have too many tabs open in our minds (just like too many apps on a computer), our brains go into cognitive shutdown mode. We have no more fuel. We cannot figure it out. And so we just continue to go through the motions and react to our lives and our responsibilities. And let's face it, ain't nobody got time for that!

In this week’s episode, I’m talking all about helping you break free from that frozen state, thaw out, and take some serious action! By following these six steps, I truly believe that you can find your authentic path, experience more joy and fulfillment, and create the life you truly desire.

6 Steps to go from Confusion to Clarity:

  1. Setting Intentions: Declare to yourself and the universe that clarity is your goal. Affirmations are powerful tools for reshaping our mindset. Repeat to yourself daily, "I am gaining clarity every frickin’ day." Trust me; it works wonders.

  2. Doing Energy Audits: Take a moment to assess what in your life is energizing you versus what's draining you. This can range from activities, relationships, or even thoughts. Knowing where your energy is going allows you to redirect it towards what truly matters.

  3. Listening to Your Body: Our bodies are incredibly wise. They carry within them the answers we seek. Take time to tune in, whether through meditation, yoga, or simply quiet reflection. Your body knows what's best for you; all you need to do is listen.

  4. Getting Still: In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stillness is a rare commodity. Yet, it's in these moments of quiet that our inner voice can be heard most clearly. Regulate your nervous system, prioritize space for reflection, and watch as the answers reveal themselves. You’ve got to prioritize spaciousness in your calendar to get still.

  5. Asking All Your Parts: We all have different aspects of ourselves vying for attention. Take the time to listen to each part and understand its perspective. Then, from your CEO self, make decisions aligned with your highest purpose.

  6. Being Patient: Rome wasn't built in a day honey, and neither is clarity. Trust that the answers will come in their own time. Sometimes, the journey to clarity requires us to first heal, grow, and build a stronger foundation within ourselves. Embrace the in-between and trust that the universe has a plan for you.

Everything you have ever needed is already inside of you. It’s just buried and we need to go on an excavation to uncover your truth, your guidance.

Remember, the journey from confusion to clarity is not always straightforward. It requires patience, self-reflection, and a willingness to trust in yourself and the process. So, take a deep breath, be kind to yourself, and know that you're exactly where you need to be. Your truth is waiting to be uncovered, and when you find it, you'll step into a life of joy, purpose, and fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams.

So here's to embracing the journey, trusting the process, and finding the clarity that sets our souls on fire. You've got this, baddie!

Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!

XO, Brooke Jean

    • How to go from confusion to clarity

    • Why do we get into freeze state mode

    • Set an intention to gain clarity and upgrade your belief system

    • Make a powerful choice to get out of confusion and into clarity

    • Clean up your belief system and tell yourself new beliefs

    • Stop telling yourself that you don't know and prioritize figuring it out

    • Identify what gives you energy and what drains your energy

    • Focus on doing more of what makes you feel alive

    • Outsource or delegate tasks that you dislike

    • Your body holds the wisdom and knows what it likes and doesn't like

    • Pay attention to when you feel in a state of flow and prioritize those activities

    • Get out of your thinking mind and drop into your body

    • Regulate your nervous system through breathwork, movement, meditation, and nature

    • Prioritize spaciousness in your calendar to get still and receive information

    • Open up channels to communicate with yourself, your higher self, and the universe

    • Build up your highest self, the wise CEO that sits at the head of the table

    • Include what you loved to do as a child into your world

    • Make decisions from an empowered place, considering all parts of yourself

    • If you don't know right now, maybe it's because you're not meant to know yet

    • Keep yourself open, do the work, and trust that your answers will come

    • Give yourself permission to go slow and do it right for authentic alignment


I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.

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@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.

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