4 Reasons Why Group Work is so Powerful
Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!
XO, Brooke Jean
Why would you choose to invest in yourself in a group program?
The feeling of being alone seems to be a common thing the last few years, especially during the pandemic. In fact, one in four people worldwide feel lonely, according to a recent Gallup study. That equals to more than one billion people.
All too often loneliness is also experienced when we feel like nobody else understands what we’re going through or that they wouldn’t care. Well, I’m here to tell you differently, my love. Being part of a group, one with like-minded people and one that is supportive, is life changing.
Recently, I’ve joined a mastermind called Life Mastermind, created by Samantha Skelly. It’s only been two months and I am already feeling so good about it all - and what’s been able to happen for me in my mind, body and spirit. Yes, this is work I’ve had to do all by myself, BUT I am surrounded with support from other like-minded women.
Being a mom can feel really lonely, or being an entrepreneur can feel lonely. Also just being at the top of your game, maybe as a corporate baddie, it can still be really lonely. Yet, when we are together and feel like we aren’t alone in our experiences, something beautiful happens.
Because I’ve gained so much already from my group I’m in, I just knew I wanted to lead something more, something bigger than any workshop, retreat or training I’ve ever done. So, I’ve developed the Unperfected Mastermind. But it wasn’t just the results I’ve seen that led me to create this, it’s the benefits I believe there are to doing working in a group setting.
Here are the four reasons I believe working in a group is beneficial:
Energetics of a Group - When you join a group of women that are excited, that are ready to do the work, it just changes the energy. That spirit just lifts you up, am I right? Even on your bad days, it makes you feel good!
Expansion and Learning from Each Other - We have these subconscious beliefs that we’ve learned growing up. And it’s those beliefs that can hold us back. So when you join a group, those women embodying and living and doing the same things as you want to be doing, you’re teaching your subconscious that it IS possible. Everyone in the group has a different background, a different story. Each individual is a well of knowledge and experience and beauty that you can learn from. There’s something so healing in not feeling alone.
Support and Accountability - There is a core human need to be seen, to be seen for who you truly are. When you get to know those in your group in an intimate setting, in a vulnerable way, the support is just out of this world. It creates this safe place to just bring all of who you are to the table. Those in your group become ones that you know are in your corner rooting for you, they hold space for you. And they also hold you accountable for whatever it is you want to do.
Sisterhood and Connection - You feel so close when you go through an experience with a group of people. You feel like you’ve known them forever, and it’s a bond that can’t be broken.
I feel like there's something really powerful about being in a group of women who get it, who understand that juggle of working mom life. And wanting so bad to like have a big mission or live out your purpose, but feeling caged in with your responsibilities and your perfectionism.
There's also something really healthy about just having a safe place to talk about some of the things that are challenging in being at the top or being an entrepreneur or being a working mom. And just knowing that they get it. So in the group setting, you feel really seen, you feel really held and supported. And let me just say this: It's not a show. It's not a race. It's definitely not a competition. No ma’am, that is not the energy for a group.
I just really love, LOVE groups. There are so many juicy benefits to them. And I am so excited to have the opportunity to create a space for you to experience it for yourself.
So my love, if you’re ready to feel supported and surrounded, this mastermind I’m offering is for YOU. The program starts March 6th. More information can be found here. But listen, if this mastermind isn’t for you, will you please consider going a group of some sort?
I want things to be easier for you. I want there to be more joy in your day. I want there to be more pleasure. I want you to feel like you can have a thriving business and a thriving family. And I want you to also realize that like all this abundance is available for you and you're deserving of it and it doesn't have to be hard.
I am so grateful you’re here, mama.
If you're ready to ditch these old ways of being that are perfectionistic and anxiety provoking, and you're ready to unlock and unleash that next level of potential, then join me for unPERFECTED: The Mastermind for Mama. This is the most potent and transformational container that I have ever offered women and mothers to date. I have compiled decades worth of tools, techniques, whether it's energy, leadership, nervous system regulation, boundary setting, all of it, and poured it into this six month mastermind for mamas. This is the deeper work that I'm talking about, that's what we're going to be doing in a group of like-minded sisterhood. It is going to be so powerful.
"Unbounded" is a 6-month mastermind for high-achieving, working moms seeking holistic transformation.
It promises inner work on mindset, energy alignment, and personal growth.
Participants receive a toolkit for nervous system regulation and mind mastery.
Groups create collective energy that raises vibrations.
Being around others' success expands beliefs about what's possible.
Being around others created a life of learning and growth.
Attracting abundance by learning from others.
Reprogramming core beliefs.
Feeling supported while expanding.
Real support comes from standing for each other's greatness.
Accountability in a compassionate way.
Sisterly connections develop, feeling like lifelong soul assignments.
The group journeys together through transformation..
Tapping into the inner child's energy of infinite possibilities.

I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.
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@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.
Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!
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