Exploring Mom Guilt and Finding Your Freedom
We are getting into a topic that is near and dear to my heart – mom guilt.
Are you a mama who struggles with feeling like no matter what you do, it’s never gonna be enough?
Maybe you’ve been killing it at work, but things are falling apart at home. Or maybe you’ve been really present at home, but your colleagues are surpassing you at work. When we feel like one area of our life is suffering while the other is prospering, we fall into old habits and patterns, kickstarting even more mom guilt and a shame spiral.
if you feel like there just isn’t enough of you to go around – this episode is for you.
Mom guilt is a crummy feeling that shows up differently for each of us. It manifests from psychological messages we absorb and the influx of information online about how to be the perfect mom. It’s an emotional response to the stories we tell ourselves about where we’re falling short.
The reality is that we create an imaginary bar of where we’re supposed to be as a person and a mother. We need to reshuffle the deck and reestablish what matters most, because there isn’t enough energy to sustain the bar we have set for ourselves. we need to get clear on who we are and what we value.
Slow down and start paying attention to yourself. Turn your attention inward. What are your thoughts, feelings, and body sensations? Journal and meditate. Engage in the behaviors that let your brain slow down, your nervous system regulate, and your truth to bubble up. Tap into your inner child. What did you love doing when you were little? What brings you joy? What makes you feel the most alive right now? Follow what lights you up. Get clear on your core values. Allow them to guide you through your journey and your family.
It’s all about progress over perfection, and this is your invitation to lower the freaking bar. We’re no longer trying to be the perfect everything by getting clear on what matters most to us. We’re talking about how to shed the rest.
Any time you think that you “should” be doing something and it doesn’t align with matters most to you — shed it. Allow it to fall by the wayside. If you leave work to cook a beautiful meal for your family because it aligns with your core values, shed the thoughts that make you feel guilty about not working until 6:00pm.
We can have what we want and we deserve what we desire. it is more than okay for you to take up space.
I want you to start challenging any belief that you have that says you need to put yourself last.
Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!
xo, brooke jean
• Brooke explains what is “Mom guilt”
• How “Mom guilt” manifests and shows up differently for each of us
• It comes from psychological messages we absorb and the influx of communication and information online about how to be the perfect mom
• Creating an imaginary bar of where we’re supposed to be as a person and mother
• Taking unnecessary steps to keep with the “Kardashians instead of just the Joneses”
• Society has created an ideal image of perfectionism that is unattainable
• We need to reshuffle the deck and reestablish what matters most
• There isn’t enough energy to sustain the bar we have set for ourselves
• We need to get clear on who we are and what matters most
• Start paying attention to ourselves and our needs
• Engage in behaviors that allow our brain to slow down
• Follow what lights you up and pay attention to your body’s reactions
• Shed the “Should’s” and “Mom Guilt”
• Divide and conquer tasks with family members to create more balance
• Brooke invites listeners to join her private Facebook group called, “Mommy’s Mental Health Matters” to continue the conversation
• To learn more about Brooke and her work, listeners can visit Brooke Jean LLC!

I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.
Follow along on Instagram
@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.
Join my private Facebook group
“Mommy’s Mental Health Matters”, and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!
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Thanks so much for listening!