Ditching Perfectionism: A Transformative Retreat Experience

What parts of yourself or your life are you ready to unlearn, release, and transform in order to create space for new growth and deeper connection?

It’s been a week and I am still on a high from my women’s retreat in the lush, magical landscapes of Northern Ireland. It was truly everything I didn’t know I needed and MORE! Picture this: rolling green hills, misty mornings, and a group of powerful, heart-centered women ready to unlearn, heal, and grow together. If that doesn’t scream magic, I don’t know what does!

This retreat was a massive journey of unlearning societal expectations—you know, those “shoulds” that tell us who to be and how to live. I realized just how much I had been carrying around—things that weren’t mine and never served me in the first place. I felt this powerful unraveling, like layers of "doing" were being shed, leaving room for just being. It’s wild how much space we can create for growth when we stop living for others and start living for ourselves.

Traveling alone was a huge part of that growth. Trust me, if you haven’t taken yourself on a solo adventure, I highly recommend it! There’s something about being out of your comfort zone and leaning into discomfort that opens up profound self-discovery. Every moment felt like a dance between who I’ve been and who I’m becoming.

One of the most soul-nourishing aspects of the retreat was immersing myself in nature. Seriously, nature is the ultimate healer. Standing in the Irish countryside, surrounded by pure, untouched beauty, I felt such a deep connection to myself and to something greater. It was a spiritual awakening like no other—Mother Nature truly is the best therapist!

Speaking of therapy, equine therapy was a game-changer! Imagine standing face-to-face with a majestic horse, who, with its gentle presence, helps you confront your deepest emotions and desires. Horses are like mirrors, reflecting the energy we bring. It was both humbling and empowering to stand in my truth and allow that experience to crack my heart wide open. And wow, the heart-opening work didn’t stop there!

In fact, opening my heart became a running theme of this entire experience. Whether through group conversations, journaling, or simply standing in silence under the Irish sky, I learned just how essential it is to both receive and give love freely. I was reminded that releasing past traumas and hurts creates space for new energy to flow in. There is so much power in letting go and allowing yourself to truly receive the love, support, and abundance that’s waiting for you.

And let’s not forget the incredible community and sisterhood that came out of this retreat. These women—my soul sisters—were living proof of how vital it is to surround ourselves with people who support our growth. The laughter, the tears, the moments of vulnerability—it all reinforced how much we need each other to evolve and thrive. Connection is everything!

One of my biggest takeaways from this retreat? Investing in myself is not a luxury—it’s essential! When we take time out to nourish our souls, mind, and body, we show up as the most authentic, vibrant versions of ourselves. Whether it’s going on a retreat, taking a solo trip, or even just creating moments of quiet reflection in our daily lives, these are the practices that keep us aligned and whole.

As I reflected on the experience, gratitude filled my heart. Gratitude for the retreat, the lessons, and most of all, for the people in my life who hold space for me, challenge me, and love me as I continue to grow. Taking the time to honor these relationships, and all the blessings that come with them, deepened my connections in such a beautiful way.

So, lovely, whether you’re ready to pack your bags for a solo trip or just need to create a mini-retreat at home, I encourage you to give yourself the gift of self-investment. You are worth it, mama!

Let’s keep unlearning, growing, and evolving together—one unperfected moment at a time.

PS. If you haven’t heard, I’m hosting another Perfectionism Detox Masterclass THIS Friday! It’s going to be even better than the last one! Deets below!

FREE Masterclass, the Perfectionism Detox on October 4th at 10:30am MST!

In this class you’ll learn how to understand what Perfectionism is and identify HOW it’s showing up in your life, learn proven therapeutic strategies to overcome Perfectionism, ways to reclaim inner peace & self- worth, and SO much more!

If you’re ready to ditch the old habits, jump off the hamster wheel so you can feel more at ease, then this class is for you honey. I hope you’ll join me on October 4th from 10:30am - 12pm MST for a class that will change your life.

Registration is officially open, go snag your spot here and I’ll see you then!

Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!

XO, Brooke Jean

    • Brooke shares her recent experiences from a solo adventure to Ireland, including a women's retreat.

    • Her upcoming free masterclass on perfectionism detox, scheduled for October 4th.

    • The evolving nature of her coaching sessions, influenced by her extensive training, personal growth, and international travel.

    • Unstuck and Unstoppable 2.0, which includes pre-recorded content and live group coaching sessions designed to foster accountability and growth among participants.

    • Brooke’s passionate invitation viewers to a 'perfectionism detox' masterclass and encourages them to join the 'Unstuck and Unstoppable' group program.

    • Sharing her own journey, Brooke narrates her transformation from feeling bound by traditional roles to embracing solo travel and self-discovery.

    • Her transformative experiences, including a solo spiritual adventure in Sedona and a women's wellness retreat in Northern Ireland.

    • The importance of living authentically and pursuing personal passions without waiting for ideal conditions.

    • Brooke’s immersive and rejuvenating retreat in Tollymore Forest, Northern Ireland, hosted by Caroline and Annetta.

    • The extraordinary energy of the forest, evocative of Sedona's vortex, which made them feel fully alive.

    • Her physically challenging start, including motion sickness and sleeplessness on the flight, the retreat's activities.

    • Releasing pent-up emotions and embraced self-acceptance and forgiveness.

    • Brooke recounts an enlightening retreat experience that involved deep emotional, spiritual, and equine therapy work.

    • Bonding with horses that mirrored personal emotions, releasing long-held fears, and profound moments of self-realization.

    • Feeling unconditionally loved by God and becoming a conduit for love to others.

    • Enjoyable activities such as a boat trip, massages, and an emotional evening with live music at a local pub.

    • The cultural vibrancy of Dublin's pub scene, the significance of unplugging from technology, and the joy of genuine human connection.

    • Her return home deepened her relationship with her family and reinforced her commitment to maintaining a balanced, spiritually fulfilling life.

    • Brooke encourages others to invest in their personal growth, suggesting that even small, mindful moments can serve as retreats that enhance one's quality of life.


I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.

Follow along on Instagram
@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.

Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!

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