From Perfectionism to Progress: 3 Keys to Self-Compassion

What if the key to achieving your dreams lies not in pushing harder, but in learning to celebrate the small wins along the way?

Self-compassion is a cornerstone of the UNperfected® method I've developed, and it's a crucial element in dissolving perfectionism. Contrary to popular belief, the most successful people didn't start with a perfect strategy or strike it lucky on their first attempt. They experienced repeated failures, but their ability to show self-compassion fueled their resilience, allowing them to try again and again until they achieved their goals.

Self-compassion is your secret weapon to staying the course and attaining your desired results, whether in love, abundance, joy, wealth, or success. Today, I'll share three keys to self-compassion that are part of a bonus I'm creating for an upcoming program, "10 Days to Self-Compassion." But first, let's understand what self-compassion truly is.

In psychology, self-compassion means extending compassion to oneself during times of perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering. According to American psychologist Kristin Neff, self-compassion comprises three main elements: self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness. While we're naturally good at showing compassion to others, especially as women and mamas, turning that compassion inward is often challenging.

We readily show compassion to our families, children, loved ones, communities, and clients. For example, when our kids come crying to us about something they messed up on, what’s your reaction? Is it saying something like, “how dare you screw up, that’s not good enough?” No honey, it’s a response of compassion and grace, so why can’t we do the same for ourselves?

“You are no different than anyone else walking this planet. You are deserving. You are worthy. You are allowed to make mistakes just like the rest of us. And you deserve kindness when you do.”

Normalizing our feelings and experiences is vital, and it's a key tenet of the UNperfected® brand, aimed at fostering self-compassion and reducing shame.

Self-compassion allows us to access resilience, enabling us to stay committed to our vision and goals. Last week, we discussed setting realistic and compassionate goals, emphasizing breaking down our vision into manageable baby steps that prevent overwhelm. If you haven’t listened yet, definitely go check it out here!

When overwhelmed, we freeze and get stuck, unable to see the next step forward. Self-compassion helps us navigate these moments, making our journey enjoyable and productive.

3 Keys to Embracing Self-Compassion:

#1 Understanding Your Humanity

Recognize and normalize your humanness. You are a precious being deserving of unconditional positive regard, just like everyone else. Remember, you were born deserving of love, kindness, and compassion. You are allowed to make mistakes and deserve kindness when you do. Treat yourself with the same understanding you would extend to your children or best friends. Acknowledge that it's okay to be messy and imperfect; that's part of the human experience.

#2 Acknowledging How Far You’ve Come

Reflect on your journey and celebrate your progress. Recognize the challenges you've overcome and the resilience you've shown. You have achieved much already, and it's essential to give yourself credit. In my programs, we use a life timeline exercise to highlight significant moments and trends, helping you see your strengths and growth. You are a work in progress, and that's something to be proud of, my love.

#3 Reframing Your Thoughts When You Fall Off Track

When you deviate from your plans or goals, notice how you treat yourself in those moments. Instead of shaming or ridiculing yourself, pause, take a deep breath, and choose a kinder thought. Replace negative self-talk with affirmations of self-compassion. For example, tell yourself, "It's okay to mess up. I get to be a work in progress. Tomorrow is a new day." Repeatedly practicing this reframing will help build new neural pathways that support self-compassion.

By understanding your humanity, acknowledging your progress, and reframing your thoughts, you can cultivate self-compassion and resilience. This practice not only helps you achieve your goals but also allows you to enjoy the present moment and become a magnet for your desires.

Self-compassion is not just a feel-good concept; it's a powerful tool that transforms your life. Embrace it, practice it, and watch yourself flourish.

I hope you have a beautiful day, mama! If you want to explore all ten keys to self-compassion, stay tuned for my upcoming course, which will be a free bonus after my masterclass. I can't wait to share the full journey with you!

THIS WEEK! Perfectionism Detox Masterclass - July 19th!

Join my FREE masterclass, the Perfectionism Detox! In this class you’ll learn how to understand what Perfectionism is and identify HOW it’s showing up in your life, learn proven therapeutic strategies to overcome Perfectionism, ways to reclaim inner peace & self- worth, and SO much more!

If you’re ready to ditch the old habits, jump off the hamster wheel so you can feel more at ease, then this class is for you honey. I hope you’ll join me on July 19th from 12pm - 1:30pm MST for a class that will change your life.

Registration is officially open, go snag your spot here and I’ll see you then!

Ready to Stop Sitting and Spinning in Perfectionism?

If you are that high achieving, ease seeking, busy working mom who finds herself just sitting and spinning on the hamster wheel of never enoughness, then the Get Unstuck FREE Guide is for you!

This guide is a mix of education for why and how you got stuck, what the heck is happening in the brain and body when you feel stuck and how to override these natural functions to create new patterns that help you get the results you want in life. Whether it’s dedicating time to self-care, reaching new clients, making more money, strengthening relationships or setting boundaries, all of the steps in here will guide you.

Remember...Life is Better, UNperfected.

Make sure to snag it. It's like having me, your coach in your back pocket to help you unhook so you can start creating the life that you actually dream of. Grab yours in the link below!

Get your FREE guide!

Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!

XO, Brooke Jean

    • Perfectionism hinders connection; authenticity is key in 2024.

    • Introduction to the free Perfectionism Detox Masterclass.

    • Unperfecting focuses on what truly matters, not flawless execution.

    • Self-compassion is crucial for overcoming perfectionism.

    • It fuels resilience and goal achievement.

    • Understanding self-compassion as kindness towards oneself.

    • Recognizing your inherent worthiness and right to make mistakes.

    • Allowing yourself to be messy and imperfect.

    • Treating yourself with the same kindness you offer others.

    • Acknowledging how far you've come in your journey.

    • Recognizing the challenges you've overcome throughout life.

    • Adopting the mantra: "I am proud of the work I have done."

    • Choosing kinder thoughts when you fall short of expectations.

    • Creating new neural pathways through positive self-talk.

    • Understanding the link between thoughts and emotional well-being.

    • Recognizing the ripple effect of self-care.

    • Rewiring the brain through 30 days of consistent positive thinking.

    • How positive thinking can impact health, career, and overall life satisfaction.


I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.

Follow along on Instagram
@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.

Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!

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Thanks so much for listening!