Why We Procrastinate and How to Break Free

"What is the deeper fear that is causing you to procrastinate, and how can you address this fear to move forward?"

We’ve all been there—staring at a daunting task, feeling paralyzed, and finding ourselves deep in a scroll session on social media instead of diving into what we need to do. Procrastination is the sneaky little gremlin that keeps us from achieving our full potential, and it hits high-achievers and perfectionists the hardest. I’m sure many of you can relate, yes?

In this week’s episode, I am diving into the nitty-gritty of procrastination and its peculiar hold on those of us who are always striving for perfection. Procrastination isn't just about being lazy or disorganized; it's often rooted in deeper fears and anxieties. For high-achievers and perfectionists, the fear of not meeting their own high standards can be paralyzing. This fear can manifest in a cycle of avoidance, where starting a task feels overwhelming because the end result might not be perfect.

So, what exactly are we afraid of? It could be the fear of failure, the fear of criticism, or even the fear of success and the increased expectations that come with it. These fears create a mental block that makes it easier to put things off rather than face the possibility of not meeting those sky-high standards.

It’s when we begin to understand these fears that we experience the first step to overcoming them. By acknowledging what’s holding you back, you can start to dismantle the barriers to your productivity.

One of the most effective tools I’ve found to be helpful is journaling. It is simple yet so powerful. I believe journaling can help you unpack the emotions and fears tied to procrastination. So here are five journal prompts that will help you get unstuck out of procrastination and into action:

  1. What are you telling yourself?

  2. What am I afraid will happen?

  3. When I am pausing, hesitating or procrastinating what feelings am I avoiding?

  4. Whose expectations am I living up to?

  5. What is the ‘stuckness’ costing me?

If anything, I hope one of the biggest takeways you get from this week the importance of valuing progress over perfection. High-achievers often set the bar so high that even starting a task feels impossible. But here’s a little secret: perfection is an illusion. It’s better to make consistent progress, however small, than to wait for the perfect moment or outcome.

Progress over perfection. I want you to put it somewhere that you will see it every single day. So you can begin to operate from an energetic and a belief system that says progress over perfection.

So my love, there's very good reason why you procrastinate and it's because you have real fears about putting yourself out there. That's so normal. But when we start to feel our emotions and connect with our bodies, we can move from procrastination to aligned action. It’s about consciously choosing actions that align with our values, desires, strengths, and essence.

Let’s stop waiting for everything to be perfect. Let’s start showing up, using our voices, and bringing our incredible gifts to the world. You are more than capable, and the world needs what only you can offer.

Remember mama, overcoming procrastination is a journey, not a destination. It’s about understanding yourself better and developing strategies that work for you. Be kind to yourself through this process. Addressing underlying fears and feelings takes time and patience.


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Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!

XO, Brooke Jean

    • Freebie: Immediate Calm Down Kit

    • The kit includes tools for building anxiety awareness, regulating the nervous system, and reframing thoughts

    • Completing the stress cycle is crucial for managing anxiety and finding calm

    • Perfectionism often leads to procrastination, preventing you from sharing your gifts with the world

    • Procrastination can manifest as sitting and spinning on ideas, waiting for the perfect moment

    • Checklists and unfinished tasks can also be signs of procrastination

    • Procrastination is deep-rooted fear

    • Overthinking is a sign of underfeeling, as 95% of our operating system is in the subconscious mind and body

    • Reconnecting with the body and processing emotions is essential for overcoming procrastination

    • What are you telling yourself about the task you're procrastinating?

    • What are you afraid will happen if you take action?

    • What feelings might you be avoiding by procrastinating?

    • Whose expectations are you living up to?

    • What is the stuckness costing you?

    • Acknowledge that everyone starts somewhere

    • Failing forward is a common trait among successful individuals

    • Adopting the mantra "progress over perfection" can help shift beliefs and take aligned action


I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.

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@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.

Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!

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Thanks so much for listening!